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Monday, July 27, 2009

9 Google Adsense Placement Recipes


1 Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) Text Ads or 1 Square (250 x 250) Text Ads or 1 Large Rectangle (336 x 280) Text Ads or Banner (468 x 60) Text Ads
Place one of the above Google Adsense Ads at the beginning of your article, just right below the title.

1 Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) Text Ads or 1 Square (250 x 250) Text Ads or 1 Large Rectangle (336 x 280) Text Ads or Banner (468 x 60) Text Ads
Place one of the above Google Adsense Ads at the end of your article.

1 Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) Text Ads or 1 Square (250 x 250) Text Ads or 1 Large Rectangle (336 x 280) Text Ads,
1 image (width 190 px, height 280 px) or 4 images (width 60 px, height 60 px)
First Approach

Create a table (width = 550), and divide it into two columns.
Place Google Adsense Text Ads into the left column.
Place your 190 x 280 image into the right column.

Second Approach

Create a table (width = 550), and divide it into two columns.
Divide the left column into four rows, and place each of your 60 x 60 images into each row.
Place Google Adsense Text Ads into the right column.

You must place a border or a line between your images and your Ads, so it doesn't violate Google Adsense TOS (Terms of Service).

1 Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) Text Ads or 1 Square (250 x 250) Text Ads or 1 Large Rectangle (336 x 280) Text Ads
Place one of the above Google Adsense Ads into your article body, so it perfectly blends in. You can use this code for that purpose:

You may choose to make it left or right justified. According to Google Adsense Heat Map, left justified tends to bring the best CTR. But some webmasters said right justified is also working very well.

1 Skyscraper (120 x 600) Text Ads or 1 Wide Skyscraper (160 x 600) Text Ads or 1 Vertical Banner (120 x 240) Text Ads
Divide your webpage into two or three columns (left, middle and right).
Place one of the above Google Adsense Ads into the left or the right section.

4 images (width 165 px, height 60 px),
1 Leaderboard (728 x 90) Text Ads
Create a table (width = 728) with 2 rows.
Divide the first row into 4 columns and place each of the images in each column.
Place the leaderboard text ads in the second row.
Place this table below your header.

You must place a border or a line between your images and your Ads, so it doesn't violate Google Adsense TOS (Terms of Service).

1 Link Units (468 x 15) or 1 Link Units (728 x 15)
Place one of the above Google Adsense Link Units right below your header and match its color with your website theme.

1 Link Units (468 x 15) or 1 Link Units (728 x 15)
Place one of the above Google Adsense Link Units right below your header.
Place your navigational links below or above that Link Units and set their fonts to "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" 11 px.

1 Link Units (468 x 15) or
1 Link Units (728 x 15)
Place one of the above Google Adsense Link Units right below your header and make it looks like your navigational links.

How to Increase Your Google Adsense CTR

This is the first part of two series of articles about How to Increase Your Google Adsense CTR. Many people think that they just have to copy and paste Google Adsense code into their website and start earning a huge amount of money from it. What a huge mistake! I also thought the same way two years ago. Later I realized that without optimization, that's impossible. Here I will share all of the tricks to increase my Google Adsense CTR that I found within the last two years.

Here are some tips to increase your Google Adsense CTR:

Make sure the ads that are appearing on your site are closely related with your content. This is the first thing you have to do because if your ads are not relevant, there's small possibility that people will click on them. Then, what should you do to tackle this problem? Here are the tips:
Create a keyword rich content. I suggest you creating one topic a page.
Check your keyword rich content and then mark some of your keywords as bold or italic. But don't do it too much, just do it 1 – 2 times per page. Otherwise, Google assumes you are doing spamming.
Use your keyword in your page title.
Use HTML Tag H1 as your content title, and put your keyword in it. Don't forget to place this tag at the beginning of your content.
If all those tips still do not work, there is just one possibility: there are no ads that matched with your keyword! You can check this out by using this marvelous tool from the Digital Point Website. It is called the Google Adsense Sandbox, and located in
You'll be asked to enter your selected keyword and it will display every Adsense ads that's connected with that keyword. What if your suspicion is correct? Change your keyword! Do not worry; sometimes you just have to change one or two words.

Use wide ads (336x280, 300x250 or 250x250). Because these are the best performing ads.

Blend your ads with your website themes. For example, if your background color is white, change your ads border and background color to white as well. If your background color is dark (black), use bright color such as yellow as link color. This will decrease user ad-blindness.

Place your Google Adsense in these positions:
Above the fold
Above the fold is the top position of your page that's visible without your visitor having to scroll down. This is the best location that works for me. I place 336x280 ad unit in this location and it works very well. Why? Okay, back to our example. Your article is about "how to bake delicious bread". Someone finds it from search engine; when he opens it, he first sees ads about "baking school", "baking book" or "bread recipes". Who won't be interested?
In the middle of an article.
This works well if your article is long (more than 500 words). People tend to stop for a while and look for something different while they read. I suggest using rectangular ads (125x125, 180x150, 300x250, 336x280, 250x250 ad unit) for this purpose and make it left justified.
At the end of an article.
Many people reported that placing Google Adsense ads at the end of their article tends to work very well. This is because when people finish reading an interesting article, they usually think "okay, what's next?" That's your chance! By placing Google Adsense ads at the end of this article, people will spend a minute to read it and then (maybe) click it. For example, you write an article about "how to bake delicious bread". And at the end of it, there are some ads about "bread recipes". Who won't be interested?

Regarding the fourth tip, I don't recommend you placing three ad units in a single page. From my experience, the number of ad unit you place in a single page doesn't affect your CTR. In fact, I even found that placing three text ads in a single page make my ads "unblended". For example, I put 160x600, 468x60 and 336x280 ads on a single page. You know what? My 468x60 ads only showed 3 ads in it, whereas my 336x280 ads only showed 2 ads in it! My suggestion is: use 1 – 2 ad unit and a single link unit on your page (Google allows 3 ad unit and 1 link unit to be placed on a single page).

Always use Link Unit! Many people never realize that Link Unit is the most profitable format if put in the right place. Try to place it near your navigation menu. People will misidentify it as a navigation menu and automatically read it. If your ads are closely relevant to your content, there's big possibility they will click it. I move the top navigation in one of my websites to the bottom section and replace it with 728x15 Link Unit Ads. You know what? My Google Adsense CTR increased by 200%!

Monday, July 20, 2009

9 Tips to Improve Your Earnings With Adsense!

Make The Most Of Google Love
One of the common reasons bloggers don’t make a lot of money from Google Adsense is because they don’t write about topics that people are searching for answers on i.e. using Google. Just writing interesting articles isn’t going to get you a lot of clicks on ads as your readers won’t be searching for answers or certain products.

If you take a look at my top posts in the sidebar you will see that most of the posts are giving tips, or useful links for services, or are product reviews i.e. posts that get lots of Google love which sends lots of click happy people through to my site. If you post more articles of this ilk your adsense earnings will increase. These articles are also timeless and will continue to get Google traffic long after my regular readers have moved onto newer material.

To maximise your Google traffic don’t forget the basics like making sure your post titles are clear and that your first paragraph clearly explains what the post is about, so that even if you are not the top result you have increased your chances of being clicked on. Take a look at my top posts – every one of the post titles makes it clear what the post is about, which is why they do well on Google.

Smart Pricing
Less Is Better I’m stunned by how many blogs haven’t factored in Google Adsense Smart pricing into their site design. If you haven’t come across Adsense Smart Pricing before, then in one sentence this is where Google looks at your site’s overall CTR and if it’s low then it will display lower value ads and if it’s high it will display higher value ads.

So, for many sites a quick way to improve earnings is to actually display fewer ads i.e. to remove poorly performing ad units like sidebar ads, or ads that are below the fold etc. This will increase your site’s average CTR, which will make Google display higher value ads in your better performing spaces which will raise your overall earnings.

Smart Pricing works across your Adsense account, not just on a site by site basis. So, if you are displaying a significant number of Adsense ads on other sites that have a poor CTR then you should remove them as your main sites will benefit.

If You’re Going To Place Ads Put In Best Spots – Don’t Kop Out
In my view, if you are going to run ads on your site then it doesn’t make sense to do it half-heartedly i.e not put your ads in the best slots. If you do you’ll never get to see the full benefits – if you’re going to do something in my view, then do it right!

Blend Your Adsense Units
Following on from the previous tip, again if you are going to add Adsense ads to your site then again I think you should make sure that they are fully optimised. The best way of doing this is to blend the ads into your site by making sure that the text and link colours match.

To maximise CTR you should also wrap text around your ads. Many sites have tried placing ads above text or even before articles, but in my opinion this is a bad move, as all it does is encourage readers to ‘jump’ past your ads straight to the content.

Get A Good Stats Package
One of the difficulties with Google Adsense as it’s virtually impossible to see for certain which posts have a high CTR. But, if you have a good stats package then at least you can see which of your posts are popular so that you can try and write more of the same to further grow your traffic.

Rewrite Best Articles
So That Better Ads Appear In tandem with working out what your best articles are, you should manually see what kind of ads are displaying on your bigger posts. Take for instance my number one post. The ads that were originally being displayed were awful and the post itself was only about one line long.

However, once I spotted the crazy Google traffic I went back and rewrote the post so that it included links to other related posts and improved the keyword density so that better Adsense ads are now displayed.

Reduce Noise Around Ad Units One of the best ways to improve your Adsense CTR is to reduce the amount of noise around your ads. If you are serious about increasing your CTR then you want to limit the amount of other links and noise around your units.

No author name, categories, ratings, tags etc in sight.

Don’t Use Competitive Ad Filter
Trust Google This one may be a bit controversial, but I fully believe that to increase Adsense Earnings you shouldn’t use the competitive filter and that you should trust Google, as Google will always display the ad it thinks will work best on your site and which has the highest CPC. If this turns out to be one of the ads that you’ve blocked, then all you are actually doing is reducing your potential earnings. I believe that you should only use the competitive filter to eliminate competitor ads, not in an attempt to increase Adsense earnings.

Get An Adsense Optimised Theme
I couldn’t finish this list without plugging my Adsense Optimised theme. I have lost count of the number of people who have thanked me after they have changed their theme to Typo XP Reloaded. Having a theme that’s designed for adsense can make a huge, huge difference.

If you are attached to your current theme then try and make tweaks that will help your CTR e.g. do you need that huge bright header that is pushing your ads below the fold and is only creating more ‘noise’? Should you use nice blue links that everyone knows means ‘click here’ rather than that funky link colour you like because it matches your wallpaper?

A-Z Tips to Increase Google AdSense Earnings

a. Strictly follow the rules mentioned in Adsense policies. You will always earn more revenue from Adsense by playing it clean.

b. Never modify the Google Adsense HTML code. If have trouble embedding AdSense code in your WordPress or Blogger template, take help of the AdSense support forums or send an email to your AdSense account manager.

c. Never ask your friends or visitors to click on your Google ads. Google takes click fraud very seriously. Do not include incentives of any kind on your site for users to click on your ads. Don't label Google ads with text other than "sponsored links" or "advertisements.".

d. Don't click on your own ads - Google is much smarter than you think and can discover invalid clicks through IP addresses, site navigation patterns, etc. If you working on a new design for your site, avoid reloading your pages (with AdSense) excessively. You can turn off AdSense temporarily and avoid invalid CPM impressions. Or you can use the unofficial Google Adsense Sandbox Tool that is accessible from Firefox, IE and other browsers to see what kind of Google ads will be served based on content (website address URL) or keywords.

e. Don't place ads in pop-up windows, error pages or even empty pages. Update: With the new AdSense policy change, you can probably place ads on 404 pages. Check with the AdSense support team.

f. Don't start a "adsense asbestos" or "home equity loan rates" website merely to make money from accidental clicks. You will never make money out these Made for Adsense websites. Instead, write on topics what you are passionate about. Don't waste your money on high-paying adsense keywords lists. Stay away from AdSense Adwords arbitrage.

g. For short articles, CTR is best when ads are placed just above the content.

h. For long articles, CTR will improve if you place ads somewhere in middle of the content or just where the article ends - when visitors are done reading the article, they may be looking for related resources.

i. Use Text Ads instead of Image Ads as users get more options and the payout is often higher. If you still want to display image ads (for CPM), consider ad formats like the 300x250 medium rectangle or the 160x600 wide skyscraper as they support also support rich multimedia and the new gadget ads.

j. Google Ads with no background color and no borders will always perform better. Make the border color and background color same as your page background color.

k. Always put ads above the main fold. Make sure that the ad unit with the highest clickthrough rate is the first instance of the ad code that appears in your HTML source. Since the first ad unit is always filled before the rest, you want to make sure that ad unit is located in the best placement on your page.

l. Try setting the ad link URL color to a lighter shade. If your text is black, you may make the adlink as light gray or something like #666.

m. Go Wide - The large rectangle (336x280) is the best paying Adsense format especially for text ads. Try using the 336x280 large rectangle, 300x250 medium rectangle, or 160x600 wide skyscraper.

n. Don't places images next to Google ads as that will invite a permanent ban to your AdSense account.

o. Blend AdLinks with other navigation links or place horizontal adlinks at the top of your webpage. AdSense publishers are permitted to click on link unit topics on their web pages, provided that they do not click on any Google ads on the resulting page.

p. You should try adding a unit near the comments senction of your blog. See more AdSense tweaks.

q. You can put upto 3 adsense units on a page. Try putting a large skyscraper on the right navigation sidebar of your website. That area is close to the browser scrollbar. You can also add 2 AdSense for search boxes and 3 adlink units.

r. The first few lines of your content are an important factor for determining what Ads are served on your webpage. That's the right place to put keywords in bold (strong tags) or header tags (h1, h2, etc).

s. Always select the setting to open Google Adsense search box results in a new browser window, so you won't lose your visitors. Click the Open search results in a new browser window checkbox and this add target="google_window" to your form tag.

t. Maximum people think the search box is on the top right corner. So you know where to put it.

u. Always syndicate full text RSS feeds and then monetize your feeds with a 468x60 ad in RSS feeds.

v. Monitor the AdSense performance of individual web pages with Google Analytics

w. For low CTR pages, try changing titles or adding more relevant content to get better focused ads. Alse see: Get relevant Google Ads

x. Block low paying advertisers with Filters. Why to loose a visitor for an ad that will only pay you a cent. Use Overture or Google Adwords Keywords tool to discover keywords that are less popular with advertisers.

y. Learn how to implement AdSense Revenue sharing if you run a site with multiple authors and need to pay your writers based on advertising revenue generated from their articles.

z. Experiment with color schemes and layouts using split testing. You are the best judge when it comes to choosing ad formats for your own website.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

How to Make the Big League in Adsense Revenue

So what differentiates the big Adsense earners who earn in excess of $100,000 a month from those publishers who struggle to make the $100 threshold to generate a payment.

Well there are a number of factors which include the following common practices for maximizing your Adsense earnings;
•Ad Placement
•Ad Blending - Fonts, Colors, Background, Border etc
•Ad Sizes
•Website Traffic
•Website Niche or Topic
As an Adsense publisher it's crucial that you optimize the ads on your site or blog to ensure that your Adsense revenue is as high as it can be, however, notwithstanding the above, one of the biggest factors that is directly proportional to your Adsense earnings is time.

In other words the older your website or blog, or the longer you have been publishing Adsense ads on it, the more chance it has have increasing its daily Adsense revenue.

Ok, this could be related to traffic, because as time goes by, the more the website gets tweaked, the more links it gets and the better it ranks in the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages) and so on.

So what this means is that unless you have instant traffic to a your high paying niche website, you will probably have to be patient to realize that $100 a day Adsense revenue.

Adsense Publisher - How to Maximize Your Adsense Revenue

Wouldn't it be nice to be generating more than a $100 a month in Adsense revenue from the magic Google programthat would be more than $3000 a month which would provide a pretty decent income for some people.

The reality however, is that many Adsense publishers see Adsense as a way to making some easy money online but after a month or two they soon realize that it's not going to be an easy way to get rich online.

However if you are one of these struggling publishers then take heart in the knowledge that many are generating more than $10,000 a month after starting out & struggling just like you.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Google AdSense Marketing For Serious Bloggers

Earning on the net does not only pertain to selling tangible products and information products but there are also other means. I'm sure this is not new to you when I talk about making money through blogs. Many bloggers have actually been making lots of dough from their blog sites. Some may have started as a hobby and later became a business that generates good income. With the information that you post on your blog, you can have Google AdSense and eventually make passive income out of it. However, this is not as easy as it may seem. It won't make you an instant millionaire contrary to what some "experts" may be saying.

Yes, there is really a high earning potential in this advertising scheme but you need to employ the right Google AdSense marketing techniques in order to maximize the potential. It must be considered like any other business wherein you must also put in efforts in making it work for you. Thus, any serious blogger needs Google AdSense marketing if they want to monetize his or her blog site. Without an appropriate plan, I don't think you can easily generate income. Making money with AdSense is absolutely not impossible. You can even have it as your main source of income, if you only explore all its facets and creatively make money out of it.

Google AdSense marketing must be geared towards the delivery of quality contents in your site. You have to be mindful of what you write about since the ads that will appear on your web pages are dependent on the keywords that you will have on your posts. If you have a keyword-rich content, it will attract appropriate ads that will most likely be aligned to the interests of your visitors. For those who are contemplating on establishing their own online presence and create a blog, it is always better that you get your own domain name and have your own web host.

This is much better than settling for free blog sites. You can do Google AdSense marketing with much ease and freedom if you have everything on your own. It will be easier for you to edit your blog and design it the way you want it to appear. Unlike in free blog sites, there may be limitations on how you should design your site. If you have full liberty over our blog site, you can freely design it in accordance to your Google AdSense marketing plan. It is not only the content that is the main key to increase website traffic but the design also plays a vital role in this case.

The better the design, the more internet users will be attracted to visiting your site. So, no matter how good your contents are, if you have a lousy webpage design or layout, I don't think people would love to visit your page again. It must all come in one complete package, don't you think? I've known a lot of good writers maintaining their own blogs. Only that, they don't employ good Google AdSense marketing that's why they are not really able to monetize their sites. If you think you are on the same boat with these people, you have to right away review how you are managing your website.

Remember, you must post quality contents on a daily basis and create a well-designed site. Having all these main factors will surely lead you to become a successful and rich blogger.

Applying For Google AdSense

Okay so you want to use Google AdSense to generate a passive income for your website. So you just apply get granted an account, then cut and paste the standard code right? Well no that is very wrong. Let me start at the beginning with the right way to apply for an AdSense account. It is as fairly basic procedure but get it wrong and they will turn down your application and your chances of a successful re-application are slim to zero.

So on with the basics of applying for the programme. You will need one of two things to do this, either have a website or a blog with

Firstly to Google content is king it is that simple, so in either case you will need to have some decent content be it on your blog or your website, as an example you can apply for an AdSense account directly from blogger and this route does seem to be the fastest way to get a new account, but you obviously need to have some content on the blog first so if you choose this route then make 8-10 good quality post before applying for the AdSense program. You can do this directly from Blogger under 'Configure blog post' where there is a link to the programme.

Secondly you can do what most people do and apply for it for you website. Now there is a myth that you have to have had a website for a set time before getting approved, it is just that a myth! It is all down to content, if you have had a site for five years but it has no real content as such you will not get approved. Yet if you started a new site three days ago but you have great content that people will find interesting then you will get approved. It really is that simple.

Time for approval? The time it takes to get approved varies but I'm pretty certain that this is only down to demand e.g. if 10,000 apply one week and 100,000 the AdSense team will suffer the same peaks and troughs in their workload as we all do. It can take 5-10 working days, if you have not heard anything after 15 days send them a polite email progressing your application.

So remember 'Content is King' and use the time while you area waiting to hear back on your application to build more great content.

Just remember you can't run AdSense on an adult site, drugs related site, or hate fueled site, oddly nor can you run it on a site just about AdSense.

If you found this article useful and you are wanting to make some serious money with AdSense then sign up for the authors new AdSense forum today.

Making Money With Google AdSense - Do's & Don'ts

AdSense is an appropriate advertisement program run by Google as we have seen "Ads by Google" on most of the websites. Make money with Google AdSense is actually simpler than you might think. What you need to do is to create a website, publish some content there and apply for AdSense. Then paste Ads code into your website. This ads code will show ads by Google on your site. Once a visitor clicks on the ads, Google will charge the advertiser and pay you a share of the ads money.

Before we apply it, we have to read Google AdSense terms and policies as not footstep on the "Boom". I have summarize in a simple way of do and don't using Google AdSense.


You may have a consistent theme for your website with a number of informative pages about changeable topics. So that, you will have more ads to choose from and can possibly maximize your CTR.
Use variations of keywords for added advantage. Higher paying keywords will usually add advantage but not always yield more rewards. However think of some relevant keywords.
Always focus on sharing quality unique information. The more specific the content of your website is, the more targeted your ads will be.
Trial run on various ads formats or pattern on your web page and choose those that suite your website. You can choose to display ads with different formats on one page.
Ideally, place your ad in the top section of your webpage which can be viewed without scrolling down. Position your ad block in such a way that the ad is able to be seen and yet it does not delay the readers.
Get a practical feel of how the visitor to your website will view your web page by using Google AdSense preview toolbar.
Always evaluate your performance by using Google channels and other external tracking software on a regular basis.


Do not try to fraudulent means for generating clicks on the ads that are on your page. Some of the methods that are prohibited by Google AdSense are:

Repeated manual clicks
Automated clicking programs
Clicking your own ads
Using robots to generate clicks
Prompt up ads
Trap your visitors into clicking on your ads by using force click
Do not hide the ads text and URL.
Should not have hidden text for your content to misleading the Ads.
Illegal information is not allowed.
Not to exceed 3 Ads in a page

Ruby-Hopes share information of How to make money and also resources and tips on earn money at home. Take a look at the my site at and choose whichever one appeals to you and then take action! Here to learn how you can earn money overnight while you are sleeping.

3 Key Factors That Will Influence Your Adsense Earnings


If your are, for instance, in a niche that does not have a great following, ie is pretty dull and uninteresting, not only will you not get the traffic volumes you need to make decent money, but Google probably won't have enough advertisers (or even any advertisers) who are willing to pay for ads for Adsense to be served up on your website.

Then on the other hand you may be in a wildly popular niche where the amount of Adsense publishers is not a factor, ie there will be many ads available to be served up on your site, but believe it or not getting enough traffic will be your problem.

How can this be when I'm in a popular niche you may ask?

Well this is because the very nature of your niche's popularity will make it difficult for your site to be ranked highly in the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages) which in all likelihood will result in your site being consigned to the bowels of the Google results pages.

So you need to get the balance right (between popularity & over competitiveness) and choose your website's niche, theme or topic carefully.

2.Compelling Content

Once you are satisfied with your chosen niche you need to start creating compelling & interesting content for your site to ensure popularity, return visits & a good flow of traffic to it.

Without traffic you won't be getting clicks & consequently no Adsense revenue.

3.Adsense Optimization

So now you have an appropriate niche & some decent traffic but still not much Adsense reveue - what could be wrong you ask? Well the next step in your Adsense wealth creation plan is to ensure that your Adsense ads are visible & look enticing enough to get clicked on by your site visitors. While getting search visitors to your website is a vital part of the earning process, getting them to click on your ads is just as important - therefore your site's ads need to be correctly optimized to encourage this.

Your ads therefore need to be well optimized & to this end the Google Adsense program gives its publishers the option of various size & color of advertisements.

You can optimize your ads to blend in with your website's theme in terms of the colors & size but be sure to keep abreast with Google's Adsense policies as one of Google's latest policies state that Adsense publishers should not "format site content so that it is difficult to distinguish it from ads", which puts the blending issue into question.

So if you are unsure of anything just visit Google AdSense Program Policies »

Or Google's Webmaster Guidelines »

The positioning of the ads also has a marked effect on the CTR (Click through rate) - ads placed above the fold (viewable on the screen without having to scroll down) are more likely to get clicked on than those below the fold.

Here's a good tip: The 336x280 sized content ads are said to be the most effective size ads for generating clicks.

Get the above factors right & you wil be well set to earning big money with Adsense.

However, while making money with Adsense's set and forget, auto pilot type of arrangement is relatively easy, you aren't going to make anywhere near what you can from it unless you tap into the best Adsense brains in the business.

Google Adsense - How Much Can You Make with Adsense

Whilst the magic of the Google Adsense program still offers one of the most effective, easiest & lucrative ways to make loads of money online, how much money can you really expect to make from Adsense?

Some Adsense publishers will tell you that they make far more than $10,000 a month and they would not be lying - however there are some really big Adsense hitters who make as much as $100,000 a month.

So how much money can the average Adsense publisher expect to make from this magic program from Google?

Well even if you are just starting out with trying to make some money from Adsense, there are a few key things that could influence how much you actually end up making.

PS. - If you are one of many existing AdSense publisher who is struggling to make the $100 a month payment threshold... Then find out How You Can Make $500 a Day in Google Cash with These 6 Adsense Secrets »

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Benefits of Adsense

One of the major benefits, apart from the huge earning potenetial, is that the amount you earn is the amount you get paid, ie there are none of those pesky refunds that are the scourge of many affiliate programs - you think you've had a good month untill some healthy sales from a previous month are refunded leaving your commission in tatters.

Google also transfers your Adsense earnings electronically to your bank account in many countries which means that wherever you are in the world you can rest assured that your Adsense earnings will be deposited safely into your bank account and available immediately for you to draw on.

The Adsense program is also very easy to implement on your website or RSS feed and ads can be viewed within 10 minutes of the code having been copied & pasted into your web pages or feeds.

The Basics of the Adsense Game

1.Do Not Violate the Adsense TOS (Terms of Service)

Whilst this list may not be totally comprehensive, you may not place Adsense ads on sites that promote the following;

◦Sales of beer or hard alcohol
◦Sales of tobacco or tobacco-related products
◦Sales of prescription drugs
◦Sales of weapons or ammunition (e.g., firearms, firearm components, fighting knives, stun guns)
◦Sales of products that are replicas or imitations of designer goods
◦Sites that link to casinos, gambling sites, prescription drug sites

You are urged to read through the Google AdSense Program Policies to ensure that you are playing by the rules to firstly get your account approved, & secondly to avoid having your account closed.

If your account is closed for violating the Adsense TOS there is virtually no way back.

By the way one of the biggest violations by Adsense publishers is clicking their own ads - obviously you must not do this, it's dishonest & called fraud and what's more Google's sophisticated software is capable of picking up far more intricate fraudulent activities so clicking your own ads will get you banned quicker than you can say knife.

Do not try & outsmart Google - rather acquaint yourself with the TOS & conduct your online activities with honesty & integrity.

Another worthwhile read is Google's Webmaster Guidelines »

2.Be Careful - The Adsense Rules Are Always Changing

One of the first things you are encouraged to do to get more clicks is to blend your ads in with your website's content.

However just lately one of Google's new policies state that Adsense publishers should not "format site content so that it is difficult to distinguish it from ads", which puts the blending issue into question.

So once again, the Adsense game is changing all the time so keep up to date with Google AdSense Program Policies here »

3.How Much Will You Earn from Adsense?

Google allows you to display either cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-1000-impressions (CPM) ads, while AdSense for search results pages show exclusively CPC ads.

What this means is that advertisers pay either when users click on ads (CPC), or when the advertiser's ad is shown on your site (CPM) and you'll receive a portion of the amount paid by the advertiser for the ad.

Google disclose the exact revenue share, but their goal is to enable publishers to make as much or more than they could with other advertising networks.

So once your application has been approved you can start displaying Adsense on your sites and you can keep track of your earnings at any time by logging in to your account.

Sometimes new Adsense publishers struggle to generate any meaningful income at all whilst others experiment & others remain clueless about optimizing their monetization strategy.

One thing's for sure though & that is if you want to earn something from Adsense you need to have a site or blog with original, compelling & interesting content on a fairly popular topic - everything else will follow.

4.Adsense: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

◦Q. Do I need to apply for a new account for each new/extra website I have?

A. No, once you have your Adsense account running, you can use it for any number of sites you own, provided they all follow Adsense guidelines.

◦Q. Do I need to contact Google every time I make a new web site?

A. No.

◦Q. When do I get paid?

A. Google will send your check or EFT payment within approximately 30 days of the end of the month after your balance is at least US$100.

◦Q. Should I worry if my CTR is high?

A. No, CTR is a variable factor that fluctuates depending on the type of site and how well it is optimized for Adsense ads but if you notice a sudden increase in clicks, it's wise to contact the Adsene team with the details.

◦Q. Can I have two separate Adsense accounts?

A. No, unless you sign up for additional accounts under separate business entities, however it's a good idea to email Google before you do.

◦Q. If y site's PR is low or even zero I will get low paying ads?

A. No, CPC of the ads served up on your site has nothing to do with it's PR (Page Rank) but depends on the site's topic, content & type of ads that are served on your pages.

◦Q. What do I do if I clicked my own ads by mistake?

A. It's best to let the AdSense team know and explain the situation at the following

◦Q. Can Adsense be in pop-ups?

No Google ad or Google search box may be displayed on any domain parking websites, pop-ups, pop-unders, or in any email.

◦Q. Will having AdSense affect my Google listings or SE rankings?

A. AdSense does not affect either positively or negatively your site traffic or its ranking in the Google search results.

◦Q. Can affiliate text links be on the same page as AdSense?

A. Yes although if you join programs that look like AdSense, such as the Yahoo ad program, where the ads show content related to the page, you can't have them on the same page as your Google Adsense ads.

Google AdSense remains one of the hottest & most innovative online money making solutions there is and is arguably the easiest & most effective way to generate real income on the internet today.

Just remember this - to make real money from Adsense you must first get the basics right.

6 Adsense Secrets to Make $500 a Day in Google Cash

1.Adsense Earnings Strategy

Before embarking on your Adsense journey, give some thought as to your goals & how you want to achieve them.

To illustrate the above, an Adsense publisher wanting to earn $100 a day in "Google cash" could set up 100 websites to earn $1 a day from each one or alternatively he could try & make $100 a day in Adsense revenue from just 1 website.

Neither of the above scenarios are ideal & you should aim to have more than 1 site so that you don't have all your eggs in one basket & are subjected to all sort of fluctuations (search engines algorithm’s, market trends, etc).

However, having too many sites leaves you with major maintenance, management and content issues so aim for somewhere in between.

2.Topic - General or Niche

You will need to decide on the topic of your website or blog - niche websites work better with adsense than general topics mainly because the ads that Google serves up are appropriately targeted to your topic & your site's traffic will also be targeted & more likely to click on your ads & generate Adsense money for you.

Furthermore deciding on a certain niche for your site, in which you are an authority, will allow you to create content that adds to your expert status on the subject.

It's also very important to ensure that your niche is one for which there is a certain amount of interest, eg. photography & not something for which there will be no advertisers & therefore no opportunity to make any money from Adsense.

Remember that generally speaking the more popular the niche the higher paying the keywords will be & the more the savvy Adsense publisher will earn per click.

3.Adsense Ad Placement

While certain locations tend to be more successful than others, Google's "heat map" below illustrates the ideal placing on a sample page layout.

The best performing ad placements are in dark orange fading to light yellow representing the weakest performing areas.

Generally ads located above the fold tend to perform better than those below the fold and ads placed near rich content and navigational aids usually do well because users are focused on those areas of a page.

4.Best Performing Adsense Ads

The following is a list that is generally accepted as of the highest performing ad sizes...

◦336×280 large rectangle
◦300×250 inline rectangle
◦160×600 wide skyscraper

Whilst the above size ads may not always be suitable for your website or blog it is worth noting that these are the ones that out perform other Adsense ad sizes.

5.Another Tip to Improve Your Ads' CTR

Another Adsense trick that usually increases a site's CTR (Click Through Rate) is by blending your adsense ads into your site's content - you need to ensure that the Adsense ad does not actually look like an ad - allowing ads to look like ads will seriously dent your chances of making decent Adsense money.

The Google Adsense program provides a color pallette which allows you to change border colors & shapes as well as backgrounds, text & url colors.

You can therefore blend the ad in terms of its shape, size & color to blend in with the colors of your site's text & background.

A worthwhile tip is to change all of your page hyperlinks to a high contrast color, like a bold blue for example, and then change the adsense title to the same color.

Be sure to keep abreast with Google's Adsense policies as one of Google's latest policies state that Adsense publishers should not "format site content so that it is difficult to distinguish it from ads", which puts the blending issue into question.

So if you are unsure of anything just visit Google AdSense Program Policies »

Or Google's Webmaster Guidelines »

6.Adsense Ad Maintenance

It's a good idea to use include files for all your Adsense ad code.

The benefit of this is that if you need to change an ad for whatever reason, all you need to do is update the code in the include/php file & then upload it to your server - the ad will then be updated site wide, ie. wherever it exists on your site - this is far easier than changing each ad on each page of your website.

So while making money with Adsense's set and forget, auto pilot type of arrangement is relatively easy, you aren't going to make anywhere near what you can from it unless you tap into the best Adsense brains in the business.

One of the biggest mistakes Adsense publishers make is not knowing the best strategies to employ to explode your Adsense earnings no matter what traffic your site is getting...

5 Factors That Will Influence Your Adsense Revenue

1.Topic & Number of Sites

Start with a few which have fairly popular topics such as photography or web design where you can be assured of enough demand & advertisers for Google to serve up Adsense ads on your sites.

A topic for which there is little or no demand will not have enough advertisers for Google to provide your site with Adsense ads.

2.Earnings Per Click

The higher your Adsense earnings per ad click the less clicks you will require to reach your revenue target.

Therefore ensure that your content is rich with high paying keywords so that you get Adsense ads that will produce higher earnings per click - sometimes just 1 click can generate as much as $5.00 whereas many clicks will only make $0.01c.

3.CTR (Click Through Rate)

The higher your CTR the higher your earnings for a particular number of site visitors.

4.Website Traffic

All other things being equal, more traffic will generate more revenue.

5.Relevant Ads

If the ads Google serves up are not relevant to your site's content your site visitors will be unlikely to click on them as they won't be to do with what attracted them to your site.
To sum up, the amount of money you make from Adsense = CTR + Traffic Volume + Ads with High Paying Keywords + Relevant Ads

So How Can You Make $10,000 a Month From Adsense?

Well here a just 2 easy ways to do it;

1.Put up 1,000 sites that each make $10 a month


2.Put up 1 site that makes $10,000 a month
Seriously though you would need more than just 1 website but certainly not as many as 1,000 - that would just be too difficult to manage & maintain.

9 Tips to Make $100 a Day With Adsense

1.Position Ads Above the Fold

The part of a web page that is visible (without having to scroll down) after it has loaded is the part that is "above the fold".

Therefore Adsense ads that are visible above the fold are more likely to get clicked on than those that only become visible if the site visitor scrolls down the page as they are less likely to scroll down than just view what is immediately visible.

In fact check out Google's heatmap which shows the positioning for the best performing ads.

2.Blend Your Ads

As web surfers are becoming increasingly blind to ads your Adsense ads should be blended into the content of your site in terms of the text & background colors.

If the fonts can be matched this will also increase your chances of having the ads clicked on & thereby earning you more of that much loved Adsense revenue.

Please be sure to keep abreast with Google's Adsense policies as one of Google's latest policies state that Adsense publishers should not "format site content so that it is difficult to distinguish it from ads", which puts the blending issue into question.

So if you are unsure of anything just visit Google AdSense Program Policies »

Or Google's Webmaster Guidelines »

3.Best Adsense Ad Sizes

The following is a list that is generally accepted as of the highest performing ad sizes...
◦336×280 large rectangle
◦300×250 inline rectangle
◦160×600 wide skyscraper

Whilst the above size ads may not always be suitable for your website or blog it is worth noting that these are the ones that out perform other Adsense ad sizes.

4.Links Should be Blue

One of the most important factors affecting Adsense revenue is to ensure that the links are blue.

Web surfers view the color blue as a sign that a link is present . The whole point of this entire process is to get people to click on your links - especially when they are attached to Adsense.

5.Website Traffic

This is obviously a major component that can affect your Adsense revenue either way as no traffic = no clicks = no Adsense revenue.

So to get organic (free) search engine traffic ensure that your website's meta tags & keywords are correctly SEO optimized...

6.High Paying Ads

The amount of revenue that your Ads generate per click will largely be dependant on the content or topic of your site.

If your topic is cutting edge stuff, it's likely that Google will serve up ads that have high paying keywords attached to them as advertisers will be willing to spend more per click per keyword to have their ads on your site.

There is more to this however, like the quality & integrity of your site & the quality of traffic it attracts, but just remember that the "high paying keyword niches" are very competitive because of their lucrative nature so it is that more difficult to do well in them.

However a site on the "mating habits of the north sea clam" will be easy to rank highly for but on the other hand there will more than likely be no advertisers for Google to serve up any Adsense ads on your site - therefore no earnings.

7.Relevant Ads

It is vitally important to ensure that the Adsense ads on your site are relevant to its content.

For instance if your site is all about photography but the ads being served up by Google are about weight loss you won't have your site visitors clicking on them as its not what attracted to them to your site.

However if the ads produce more enticing information on cameras & photographic equipment they are highly likely to click on them which means more Adsense revenue for you.

8.Set Up Channels

Google's Adsense program allows you to create channels for each ad unit which provides you with an excellent tool to compare your various ad units performance on each page.

9.Click through Rate (CTR)

Its important to monitor your CTR as it reflects the percentage of clicks generated per page impression.

You can therefore compare your pages' CTR and tweak things to improve the lower performing pages and so on.

The following formula sums up the Adsense money making model.

Adsense Revenue = Optimally Positioned, Sized & Blended Ads + Traffic Volume + High Paying Ads + Relevant Ads

What this means is that to maximize your website's Adsense earning potential it needs to have all the factors optimized, for example a site with high paying ads but without traffic will not earn much whilst a site with hoards of traffic but without correctly optimized ads will likewise not do well.

So in order to hit the $100 a day mark employ these Adsense tips to ensure that your site is Adsense ready.