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Thursday, July 16, 2009

3 Key Factors That Will Influence Your Adsense Earnings


If your are, for instance, in a niche that does not have a great following, ie is pretty dull and uninteresting, not only will you not get the traffic volumes you need to make decent money, but Google probably won't have enough advertisers (or even any advertisers) who are willing to pay for ads for Adsense to be served up on your website.

Then on the other hand you may be in a wildly popular niche where the amount of Adsense publishers is not a factor, ie there will be many ads available to be served up on your site, but believe it or not getting enough traffic will be your problem.

How can this be when I'm in a popular niche you may ask?

Well this is because the very nature of your niche's popularity will make it difficult for your site to be ranked highly in the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages) which in all likelihood will result in your site being consigned to the bowels of the Google results pages.

So you need to get the balance right (between popularity & over competitiveness) and choose your website's niche, theme or topic carefully.

2.Compelling Content

Once you are satisfied with your chosen niche you need to start creating compelling & interesting content for your site to ensure popularity, return visits & a good flow of traffic to it.

Without traffic you won't be getting clicks & consequently no Adsense revenue.

3.Adsense Optimization

So now you have an appropriate niche & some decent traffic but still not much Adsense reveue - what could be wrong you ask? Well the next step in your Adsense wealth creation plan is to ensure that your Adsense ads are visible & look enticing enough to get clicked on by your site visitors. While getting search visitors to your website is a vital part of the earning process, getting them to click on your ads is just as important - therefore your site's ads need to be correctly optimized to encourage this.

Your ads therefore need to be well optimized & to this end the Google Adsense program gives its publishers the option of various size & color of advertisements.

You can optimize your ads to blend in with your website's theme in terms of the colors & size but be sure to keep abreast with Google's Adsense policies as one of Google's latest policies state that Adsense publishers should not "format site content so that it is difficult to distinguish it from ads", which puts the blending issue into question.

So if you are unsure of anything just visit Google AdSense Program Policies »

Or Google's Webmaster Guidelines »

The positioning of the ads also has a marked effect on the CTR (Click through rate) - ads placed above the fold (viewable on the screen without having to scroll down) are more likely to get clicked on than those below the fold.

Here's a good tip: The 336x280 sized content ads are said to be the most effective size ads for generating clicks.

Get the above factors right & you wil be well set to earning big money with Adsense.

However, while making money with Adsense's set and forget, auto pilot type of arrangement is relatively easy, you aren't going to make anywhere near what you can from it unless you tap into the best Adsense brains in the business.